Sweet Sleep (60 Caps)



Ingredients: JalBrahmi,Jatamansi,Jyotishmati,Ashwagandha,Khus,Tagar,Pipplimool,Jaiphal,Vacha,Sarpagandha


Provides a sweet sleep

Calm the mind and supports digestion

Combat stress and fatigue

Sickness and infections at bay

In Stock


Sleep is an important aspect of healthy living. A blend of powerful Ayurvedic ingredients like Sarpagandha, Tagara, Jatamansi, Jyotismati, Ashwagandha helps for sound sleep in today’s hectic life. Also, combat stress and fatigue. Sweet sleep is for all those who have trouble with sleeping patterns. This helps in achieving uninterrupted sound sleep which will keep your stress and anxiety at bay.

How to use:
Consume 1 to 2 capsules an hour before bed time


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